Assemble is a collective making things and making things happen


Assemble Studio is a London-based multi-disciplinary collective working across architecture, design and art, prioritising social and environmental sustainability in their projects. The firm is committed to creating spaces and structures that promote community engagement and are built to last, using environmentally friendly materials and design strategies wherever possible. Assemble Studio has been recognized for their innovative and socially conscious approach to design, winning numerous awards and accolades for their work.

  • Collaborates closely with clients and communities to ensure that their projects meet the needs and aspirations of the people who will use them

  • Actively engaged in research and education around sustainable design practices, and regularly participates in sustainability-focused initiatives and events

  • Continues to push the boundaries of sustainable design and architecture, with a commitment to creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful, while minimizing environmental impact.


Assemble Studio is a London-based multi-disciplinary collective working across architecture, design and art, prioritising social and environmental sustainability in their projects. The firm is committed to creating spaces and structures that promote community engagement and are built to last, using environmentally friendly materials and design strategies wherever possible. Assemble Studio has been recognized for their innovative and socially conscious approach to design, winning numerous awards and accolades for their work.

  • Collaborates closely with clients and communities to ensure that their projects meet the needs and aspirations of the people who will use them

  • Actively engaged in research and education around sustainable design practices, and regularly participates in sustainability-focused initiatives and events

  • Continues to push the boundaries of sustainable design and architecture, with a commitment to creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful, while minimizing environmental impact.

Assemble Studio is a London-based multi-disciplinary collective working across architecture, design and art, prioritising social and environmental sustainability in their projects. The firm is committed to creating spaces and structures that promote community engagement and are built to last, using environmentally friendly materials and design strategies wherever possible. Assemble Studio has been recognized for their innovative and socially conscious approach to design, winning numerous awards and accolades for their work.

  • Collaborates closely with clients and communities to ensure that their projects meet the needs and aspirations of the people who will use them

  • Actively engaged in research and education around sustainable design practices, and regularly participates in sustainability-focused initiatives and events

  • Continues to push the boundaries of sustainable design and architecture, with a commitment to creating spaces that are both functional and beautiful, while minimizing environmental impact.