Crosby Studios brings bold circular design to the table


Crosby Studios is a multidisciplinary creative studio founded by Harry Nuriev in 2014. The studio is known for creating unique and conceptual spaces, furniture, and objects. The team at Crosby Studios focuses on using sustainable materials and methods, and often repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new pieces. They also incorporate a circular design approach, ensuring that their designs are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled. Here are some bullet points to further highlight their sustainable approach:

  • Crosby Studios repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new designs, reducing waste and conserving resources.

  • The studio sources sustainable materials for their designs, such as FSC-certified wood and recycled plastics.

  • Crosby Studios designs with circularity in mind, ensuring that their pieces are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled.

  • The studio also uses innovative methods, such as 3D printing, to create sustainable designs with minimal waste.

  • Crosby Studios' sustainable approach has earned them recognition and collaborations with leading brands and organizations in the industry.


Crosby Studios is a multidisciplinary creative studio founded by Harry Nuriev in 2014. The studio is known for creating unique and conceptual spaces, furniture, and objects. The team at Crosby Studios focuses on using sustainable materials and methods, and often repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new pieces. They also incorporate a circular design approach, ensuring that their designs are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled. Here are some bullet points to further highlight their sustainable approach:

  • Crosby Studios repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new designs, reducing waste and conserving resources.

  • The studio sources sustainable materials for their designs, such as FSC-certified wood and recycled plastics.

  • Crosby Studios designs with circularity in mind, ensuring that their pieces are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled.

  • The studio also uses innovative methods, such as 3D printing, to create sustainable designs with minimal waste.

  • Crosby Studios' sustainable approach has earned them recognition and collaborations with leading brands and organizations in the industry.

Crosby Studios is a multidisciplinary creative studio founded by Harry Nuriev in 2014. The studio is known for creating unique and conceptual spaces, furniture, and objects. The team at Crosby Studios focuses on using sustainable materials and methods, and often repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new pieces. They also incorporate a circular design approach, ensuring that their designs are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled. Here are some bullet points to further highlight their sustainable approach:

  • Crosby Studios repurposes and upcycles existing objects to create new designs, reducing waste and conserving resources.

  • The studio sources sustainable materials for their designs, such as FSC-certified wood and recycled plastics.

  • Crosby Studios designs with circularity in mind, ensuring that their pieces are easily disassembled and their materials can be reused or recycled.

  • The studio also uses innovative methods, such as 3D printing, to create sustainable designs with minimal waste.

  • Crosby Studios' sustainable approach has earned them recognition and collaborations with leading brands and organizations in the industry.