Diller Scofidio + Renfro studio focus on cultural and civic projects


Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R) is a New York City-based interdisciplinary design studio founded in 1981. The studio is committed to creating innovative and sustainable designs that respond to the complex social, environmental, and cultural contexts of the built environment. Their portfolio includes a wide range of projects such as public spaces, cultural institutions, residential buildings, and urban master plans.

  • DS+R's sustainable design philosophy focuses on creating projects that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible, and socially equitable.

  • They incorporate sustainability into all stages of their design process, from site analysis and conceptual design to material selection and construction methods.

  • DS+R's approach to sustainability is based on the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. They aim to minimize waste and energy consumption throughout the life cycle of a project.

  • They prioritize the use of low-impact materials and sustainable building systems, such as passive heating and cooling strategies, natural ventilation, and green roofs.

DS+R also works to incorporate community engagement and social equity into their sustainability goals, such as creating accessible and inclusive public spaces and promoting local economic development through their projects.



Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R) is a New York City-based interdisciplinary design studio founded in 1981. The studio is committed to creating innovative and sustainable designs that respond to the complex social, environmental, and cultural contexts of the built environment. Their portfolio includes a wide range of projects such as public spaces, cultural institutions, residential buildings, and urban master plans.

  • DS+R's sustainable design philosophy focuses on creating projects that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible, and socially equitable.

  • They incorporate sustainability into all stages of their design process, from site analysis and conceptual design to material selection and construction methods.

  • DS+R's approach to sustainability is based on the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. They aim to minimize waste and energy consumption throughout the life cycle of a project.

  • They prioritize the use of low-impact materials and sustainable building systems, such as passive heating and cooling strategies, natural ventilation, and green roofs.

DS+R also works to incorporate community engagement and social equity into their sustainability goals, such as creating accessible and inclusive public spaces and promoting local economic development through their projects.


Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS+R) is a New York City-based interdisciplinary design studio founded in 1981. The studio is committed to creating innovative and sustainable designs that respond to the complex social, environmental, and cultural contexts of the built environment. Their portfolio includes a wide range of projects such as public spaces, cultural institutions, residential buildings, and urban master plans.

  • DS+R's sustainable design philosophy focuses on creating projects that are environmentally responsible, economically feasible, and socially equitable.

  • They incorporate sustainability into all stages of their design process, from site analysis and conceptual design to material selection and construction methods.

  • DS+R's approach to sustainability is based on the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle. They aim to minimize waste and energy consumption throughout the life cycle of a project.

  • They prioritize the use of low-impact materials and sustainable building systems, such as passive heating and cooling strategies, natural ventilation, and green roofs.

DS+R also works to incorporate community engagement and social equity into their sustainability goals, such as creating accessible and inclusive public spaces and promoting local economic development through their projects.
