Giles Miller Studio explores the relationship between materials and light


Giles Miller is a British designer and founder of Giles Miller Studio, which specializes in sustainable design and architecture. The studio creates innovative, environmentally conscious products and installations that challenge traditional design and manufacturing techniques. Here are some bullet points based on their sustainability and circular strategies:

  • Giles Miller Studio uses sustainable materials such as recycled aluminum, FSC-certified wood, and biodegradable plastics to create their products and installations.

  • The studio incorporates sustainable design principles into their work, including designing pieces with minimal waste and using digital fabrication techniques to reduce material usage.

  • They aim to create pieces that are modular and can be easily disassembled for repair, reuse or recycling, reducing the amount of waste generated.

  • Giles Miller Studio also works with clients to incorporate sustainable design principles into their own projects, promoting sustainable practices throughout the industry.

  • In addition to sustainable materials and design practices, the studio also prioritizes energy-efficient lighting and renewable energy sources in their installations and workshops.


Giles Miller is a British designer and founder of Giles Miller Studio, which specializes in sustainable design and architecture. The studio creates innovative, environmentally conscious products and installations that challenge traditional design and manufacturing techniques. Here are some bullet points based on their sustainability and circular strategies:

  • Giles Miller Studio uses sustainable materials such as recycled aluminum, FSC-certified wood, and biodegradable plastics to create their products and installations.

  • The studio incorporates sustainable design principles into their work, including designing pieces with minimal waste and using digital fabrication techniques to reduce material usage.

  • They aim to create pieces that are modular and can be easily disassembled for repair, reuse or recycling, reducing the amount of waste generated.

  • Giles Miller Studio also works with clients to incorporate sustainable design principles into their own projects, promoting sustainable practices throughout the industry.

  • In addition to sustainable materials and design practices, the studio also prioritizes energy-efficient lighting and renewable energy sources in their installations and workshops.

Giles Miller is a British designer and founder of Giles Miller Studio, which specializes in sustainable design and architecture. The studio creates innovative, environmentally conscious products and installations that challenge traditional design and manufacturing techniques. Here are some bullet points based on their sustainability and circular strategies:

  • Giles Miller Studio uses sustainable materials such as recycled aluminum, FSC-certified wood, and biodegradable plastics to create their products and installations.

  • The studio incorporates sustainable design principles into their work, including designing pieces with minimal waste and using digital fabrication techniques to reduce material usage.

  • They aim to create pieces that are modular and can be easily disassembled for repair, reuse or recycling, reducing the amount of waste generated.

  • Giles Miller Studio also works with clients to incorporate sustainable design principles into their own projects, promoting sustainable practices throughout the industry.

  • In addition to sustainable materials and design practices, the studio also prioritizes energy-efficient lighting and renewable energy sources in their installations and workshops.