Matsys Design craft material systems in both physical and digital mediums


Matsys Design is a design studio that explores the relationships between form, growth, and behaviour in material systems. Their philosophy of design unites the biologic, geologic, and synthetic domains through their inherent matter and energy. Matsys works across all scales and blends art, design, architecture, and engineering, pursuing a material practice that values craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums.

  • Matsys value craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums, using digital fabrication, generative modeling, and code to explore and expand the emerging craft of digital fabrication.

  • Their focus on craft is a research method that values learning through making, with their design process often beginning with experiments with matter and code.

  • Matsys Design's interest in the emergence of structure, form, and intelligence in the natural and synthetic worlds drives them to create objects, spaces, and landscapes that are complex, playful, and a bit uncanny.

  • They have used AI as a tool to support their generative modeling process and to explore new possibilities for design.

Created by Andrew Kudless


Matsys Design is a design studio that explores the relationships between form, growth, and behaviour in material systems. Their philosophy of design unites the biologic, geologic, and synthetic domains through their inherent matter and energy. Matsys works across all scales and blends art, design, architecture, and engineering, pursuing a material practice that values craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums.

  • Matsys value craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums, using digital fabrication, generative modeling, and code to explore and expand the emerging craft of digital fabrication.

  • Their focus on craft is a research method that values learning through making, with their design process often beginning with experiments with matter and code.

  • Matsys Design's interest in the emergence of structure, form, and intelligence in the natural and synthetic worlds drives them to create objects, spaces, and landscapes that are complex, playful, and a bit uncanny.

  • They have used AI as a tool to support their generative modeling process and to explore new possibilities for design.

Created by Andrew Kudless

Matsys Design is a design studio that explores the relationships between form, growth, and behaviour in material systems. Their philosophy of design unites the biologic, geologic, and synthetic domains through their inherent matter and energy. Matsys works across all scales and blends art, design, architecture, and engineering, pursuing a material practice that values craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums.

  • Matsys value craftsmanship in both physical and digital mediums, using digital fabrication, generative modeling, and code to explore and expand the emerging craft of digital fabrication.

  • Their focus on craft is a research method that values learning through making, with their design process often beginning with experiments with matter and code.

  • Matsys Design's interest in the emergence of structure, form, and intelligence in the natural and synthetic worlds drives them to create objects, spaces, and landscapes that are complex, playful, and a bit uncanny.

  • They have used AI as a tool to support their generative modeling process and to explore new possibilities for design.

Created by Andrew Kudless