Matter Design is a synthesis of art and science


Matter Design is an interdisciplinary design studio founded in 2008 by architects Brandon Clifford and Wes McGee. Their work explores the intersection of design, technology, and sustainability, with a particular focus on the use of natural materials and the reduction of waste in the built environment.

  • Matter Design is known for their innovative use of sustainable materials, such as biodegradable plastics and mycelium (the root structure of mushrooms) as building materials.

  • Their projects often incorporate circular design principles, such as using materials that can be easily disassembled and reused, and designing for longevity to reduce waste.

  • Matter Design has collaborated with other designers and researchers to develop new sustainable materials and construction techniques, such as the use of 3D printing to create complex structures with minimal waste.

  • Their projects have been exhibited at institutions around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and have won numerous awards for their innovative and sustainable design approach.


Matter Design is an interdisciplinary design studio founded in 2008 by architects Brandon Clifford and Wes McGee. Their work explores the intersection of design, technology, and sustainability, with a particular focus on the use of natural materials and the reduction of waste in the built environment.

  • Matter Design is known for their innovative use of sustainable materials, such as biodegradable plastics and mycelium (the root structure of mushrooms) as building materials.

  • Their projects often incorporate circular design principles, such as using materials that can be easily disassembled and reused, and designing for longevity to reduce waste.

  • Matter Design has collaborated with other designers and researchers to develop new sustainable materials and construction techniques, such as the use of 3D printing to create complex structures with minimal waste.

  • Their projects have been exhibited at institutions around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and have won numerous awards for their innovative and sustainable design approach.

Matter Design is an interdisciplinary design studio founded in 2008 by architects Brandon Clifford and Wes McGee. Their work explores the intersection of design, technology, and sustainability, with a particular focus on the use of natural materials and the reduction of waste in the built environment.

  • Matter Design is known for their innovative use of sustainable materials, such as biodegradable plastics and mycelium (the root structure of mushrooms) as building materials.

  • Their projects often incorporate circular design principles, such as using materials that can be easily disassembled and reused, and designing for longevity to reduce waste.

  • Matter Design has collaborated with other designers and researchers to develop new sustainable materials and construction techniques, such as the use of 3D printing to create complex structures with minimal waste.

  • Their projects have been exhibited at institutions around the world, including the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and have won numerous awards for their innovative and sustainable design approach.