Universal Everything use generative design and computational processes


Universal Everything is a digital art and design collective founded in 2004 by Matt Pyke. The group specializes in creating digital artworks, installations, and immersive experiences that explore the relationship between technology, humanity, and nature. Their works often involve collaborations with scientists, musicians, and other artists.

  • Universal Everything seeks to create a harmonious relationship between humans and technology, exploring the potential of digital technology to enhance our understanding of the natural world.

  • They often use generative design and computational processes to create their works, allowing for a degree of unpredictability and organic growth within their digital creations.

  • The collective's work often features themes of organic growth, evolution, and transformation, drawing inspiration from the natural world.

  • Universal Everything aims to create experiences that are accessible and inclusive, often incorporating participatory elements that encourage viewers to engage with their work.

  • While not explicitly focused on sustainability or environmental issues, the collective's work often highlights the beauty and complexity of the natural world, encouraging viewers to appreciate and connect with the environment around them.



Universal Everything is a digital art and design collective founded in 2004 by Matt Pyke. The group specializes in creating digital artworks, installations, and immersive experiences that explore the relationship between technology, humanity, and nature. Their works often involve collaborations with scientists, musicians, and other artists.

  • Universal Everything seeks to create a harmonious relationship between humans and technology, exploring the potential of digital technology to enhance our understanding of the natural world.

  • They often use generative design and computational processes to create their works, allowing for a degree of unpredictability and organic growth within their digital creations.

  • The collective's work often features themes of organic growth, evolution, and transformation, drawing inspiration from the natural world.

  • Universal Everything aims to create experiences that are accessible and inclusive, often incorporating participatory elements that encourage viewers to engage with their work.

  • While not explicitly focused on sustainability or environmental issues, the collective's work often highlights the beauty and complexity of the natural world, encouraging viewers to appreciate and connect with the environment around them.


Universal Everything is a digital art and design collective founded in 2004 by Matt Pyke. The group specializes in creating digital artworks, installations, and immersive experiences that explore the relationship between technology, humanity, and nature. Their works often involve collaborations with scientists, musicians, and other artists.

  • Universal Everything seeks to create a harmonious relationship between humans and technology, exploring the potential of digital technology to enhance our understanding of the natural world.

  • They often use generative design and computational processes to create their works, allowing for a degree of unpredictability and organic growth within their digital creations.

  • The collective's work often features themes of organic growth, evolution, and transformation, drawing inspiration from the natural world.

  • Universal Everything aims to create experiences that are accessible and inclusive, often incorporating participatory elements that encourage viewers to engage with their work.

  • While not explicitly focused on sustainability or environmental issues, the collective's work often highlights the beauty and complexity of the natural world, encouraging viewers to appreciate and connect with the environment around them.
